Monday, 23 July 2007


I have recently left England for the greener pastures of home, though perhaps such a statement is unwarranted: a verdancy comparison of the two countries would likely reveal a degree of parity between the bucolic areas of the respective nations. But I digress.

Britain has taken a page out of McDonalds' book; learning from the practice of providing happy-meal toys themed to movie releases. Here's a copy of the press-release:

"To celebrate the launch of the film, "Bruce Almighty", Britain has decided to simulate a little diluvian event of its own, flooding major road and rail connections, as well as a fair number of domiciles."

The heavy rain, and consequent flooding, made travelling prohibitive, but nevertheless, I have accomplished my return homewards, and in time to witness a golfing victory, unequalled in the past 60 years: Pádraig Harrington's victory over Sergio Garcia in the playoffs of the Open Championship. Yeah, it doesn't mean anything to me, either. But one thing I did note was that
at the presentation of the winning trophy, the Irish contingent of fans regaled their countryman with a popular patriotic song dating back to the 1990 Irish participation in the Italian-hosted World Cup. As such, it is composed, when sung in refrain, entirely of a repetition, ad infinitum, of the spanish word 'Olé'. The irony most likely escaped many present, but it must have surprised, if not annoyed, the runner-up Garcia, to be serenaded, or indeed, goaded, in his own tongue, by the fans of his victorious opponent.


aria said...

Interesting irony :)
I read in the paper about Harrington's victory. What caught my attention was a photograph of his press conference. The set-up was usual, he on a chair and a table laden with water bottles, mike, looking all serious and stuff but under the table was sitting his little son, Patrik (thats the name, as I recall). It was a darn cute picture.
Must be nice .. returning home :)
I saw Ireland properly for the first time on tv due to the cricket series. They showed some amazing sites. Another good news is, my favorite cricketer (Sachin Tendulkar) regained his 'form' there . .so Ireland has suddenly become too special for me. :D
Happy homecoming!

Equivocationalist said...

thank you kindly, my dear. yeah, that golfer's son was funny. on tv, they flicked to show him and his mother at one point, and the son was lying upside down, so instead of his face, you saw his foot sticking up in the air.

i'm glad you find my country so pretty. coincidentally, tonight, i was talking to a friend of mine from your neck of the woods, and i had read on your blog that your school was near Connaught Square. I mentioned this to him, and, it turns out he went to what was most likely the sibling school to your own: St Columba's. am i right in guessing that the school you went to was CGM?

aria said...

That must've been another cute scene @ foot sticking up in the air. Yeah, he did seem a fun child, even in the picture. I'd showed it to my parents and we had a good laugh. :)

The world really is a small place. In a far off place, you found someone, who really did go to the 'sibling school' of my own. :D greatt

Inside our hands, outside our hearts said...

First I must say I love the photo that represents you... it is too cute.

As for the banter that everyone seems to do to connect their product and or sport, well, I am not sure that people outside advertising will ever notice the game that is being played just so we will buy what they want us to. We are like bees to honey when it looks like we get something for nothing.

What can I say... safe trip home.

Equivocationalist said...

Thank you, Inside Our Hands, Outside Our Hearts, and welcome to my humble blog. I can't help but feel your moniker is something of a succinct reflection of the views on commercialism which you espouse :). I completely agree - the degree to which people can be manipulated, their desires shaped, is almost beyond belief. Few realise the extent to which what they take to be their own views are fed to them deliberately.

aria said...

What happened to the dark magic story ? :(

Equivocationalist said...

ah, my dear, i have felt guilty over leaving you in unwarranted suspense like this. i started the story as an casual exercise in story-development; but the more i continued it, and thought about it, the more i realised that i might have a rather workable plot. As it is, what i originally conceived of as a rather simple tale has evolved, in my mind and my notes, into a serpentine and convoluted novella. i want to do it justice, and that means researching certain things that are necessary before progressing at this, pivotal, early part of the story. I'm also in two minds about whether to post it on the internet, because i feel i have a few good ideas that could easily be purloined by churlish others. add to this that, on wednesday morning, i deported myself for a month-long trek around europe, and you'll see i'm presented with, at present, a prohibitive scenario in which to continue work on the inchoate tale. as such, i'm afraid that, much to my regret and (i hope not) your chagrin, i shall have to postpone the next part, perhaps indefinitely. i ask only your forgiveness and understanding (also some food. i'm hungry.)

aria said...

I've always thought of blogs as 'means' and not 'end'.. the sole purpose of writing here is exploring something about your own writing or in case you are lucky.. get ideas/feedback from others. If you've discovered that a simple tale you intended to post here can be developed into something grander, it only proves the exercise of 'blogging' has been moderately fruitful. So never mind, if you can't post the next part here at all. I wish you do full justice to that plot in whichever form you choose to and are able to complete THAT purpose. All the best for that. Hope you are having fun @ trek and food .. hmm.. all yours .. if you can drop by someday in Delhi .. :)