Xyzyxx: once
Xyzyxx: eapbw
* Biz blinks, incomprehendingly
Xyzyxx: ',.pyfgcrl/=/=aoeuidhtns-
Biz: no, i'm afraid i can't crack that cypher
Xyzyxx: eapb
Biz: hmm
Biz: it appears you're spouting gibberish, my idiosyncratically-named friend
Xyzyxx: key
Biz: puddle
Xyzyxx: b0ard
Xyzyxx: #ui
Biz: ouija board?
Xyzyxx: devorak
Biz: you know, i once had a conversation about philosophy, politics, escatology, and theoretical physics with a drunk frenchman in a park in Paris. My french is passable at best, but still, THIS makes less sense to me than that did
Xyzyxx: devorak
Xyzyxx: key
Xyzyxx: b0ard
Biz: ah
Biz: now i undertsand
Xyzyxx: #ui#
* Xyzyxx: has quit IRC (Quit: #)
It mostly comes out to be a lot of "darns" and "hecks", when translated.
hehe. i hadn't thought of translating it :)
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